“Love God, do Justice, Serve the Poor.”
~ St. Louis the King (1214-1270)

fleu  Updates / Mass Schedule / Facebook

Please visit our parish Facebook page for up to date info. Links below 

Facebook - English "St Louis the King Glendale"

Facebook - Spanish "Parroquia San Luis Rey - Glendale"

fleu  On-Line Giving Please Donate 

We are grateful for your support of our church. Online Giving allows you to make contributions to our church without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. This site lets you set up automatic contributions and change the timing or the amount of your gift at any time. You may make pledges and manage your contributions to the pledge amount, and you may make one-time donations to special causes. Please click on "Create New Account" and complete your initial account registration. Thank you!

Please click on the OSV link below to set up your new account

 Donate to SLK

fleu  Pray at Home Resources 
Additional  info for parish and school families to celebrate at home:

Liturgical Press has simple celebrations in the home in Spanish and English.

The Phoenix diocese published a flip-book with many links to spiritual talks, Vatican liturgies, songs in different styles and activities for families and children.