St. Louis the King Catholic School seeks to work collaboratively with students and parents to promote student responsibility. By empowering students to be accountable for their own learning, the school seeks to develop within students the traits of independence and responsibility. These traits are nurtured early on with students walking themselves to their classrooms, bringing homework to school, submitting assignments on-time, making up assignments when they are absent, accepting consequences for their behavior, and asking teachers for help when needed.
St. Louis the King Catholic School has a quality parent online communication system, SchoolSpeak, which enables parents to keep abreast of their child’s learning. SchoolSpeak brings all aspects of education management under one secure solution - online communication, student information, attendance, grades, report cards, homework, announcements, calendars, email, text messaging, payments, online forms, volunteer signup, emergency notification and more. Each family will receive a user name and password. SchoolSpeak also allows the school office to email and/or text message parents with important news or emergency alerts.
In accordance with the policies of the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Phoenix, St. Louis the King follows a rigorous grading scale.
The following is the grading scale for grades 1-8 in core academic and special area subjects:
94-100 A - Excellent
85-93 B - Above Average
75-84 C - Average
65-74 D - Below Average
Below 65 F - Failing
The following is the grading scale for grades Pre-Kindergarten - 8th grade in enrichment subjects:
E Excellent
G Good
N Needs Growth
U Unsatisfactory
The following is the grading scale for grades Pre-K - Kindergarten in core academic and special area classes:
E Excellent
G Good
N Needs Growth
U Unsatisfactory
The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten grading system reflects a variety of skills demonstrated by the student.
In addition to academic grades, students are also graded on their conduct and Discipline With Purpose (DWP) Skills.
Conduct Grades PreK-8
E Excellent
G Good
N Needs Growth
U Unsatisfactory
Honors and Awards
Students in Grades 1 through 8 are eligible for Honor Roll. Students must merit a “G” or higher
conduct grade to be placed on the Honor Roll.
FIRST HONORS: A’s in all core academic areas (94-100); A's and B's in special area classes (85-100), and E's or G's in enrichment classes.
SECOND HONORS: A's or B's in all core academic areas and special area classes (85-100);
and E's or G's in enrichment classes.
THIRD HONORS: A's and B's in all core academic and special area classes (85-100) - but may have ONLY one
C (75-84), and E’s or G’s in enrichment classes.
The purpose of this award is to recognize academic success in the classroom. To be eligible for the President’s Award for Educational Excellence, students at the elementary education level must earn a grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, from 4th grade through the fall semester of 8th grade; to be awarded at eighth grade graduation.
Non-Academic Awards include:
PERFECT ATTENDANCE - which includes “No Tardies” will also be honored each trimester.
ACCELERATED READER AWARD - K-8 students who have met all of their AR goals for the trimester.
Criteria: (PreK-8)
One or two student(s) per class who:
* Exhibits the Student Learning Expectations inside and outside of the classroom.
* Respectful towards themselves, others, and things.
* Contributes to the learning environment.
* Follows school rules and classroom procedures (no detentions/suspensions).
* Punctual for school (no excessive tardies)
Awarded at the end of the school year to one sixth grader and one seventh grader who has
accumulated the most documented community service hours for the 2016-2017 school year.
Each student will be granted a $100 tuition scholarship for the following school year.
Awarded to the graduating eighth grader who has contributed the most documented
cumulative hours of community service for the 2016-2017 school year. This student will be
given a $200 scholarship towards Catholic high school tuition and/or book fees. This
scholarship will be applied in the fall to the Catholic high school that the student will be
attending. This award will be presented at graduation.
ST. LOUIS THE KING AWARD (presented at the end of school year to one student in each grade)
* Exemplifies the school’s SLEs inside and outside of the classroom.
* Applies St. Louis the King’s philosophy to “Love God, do justice, and serve the poor” in
his/her personal life.
* Promotes the mission statement of the school.
* Displays DWP skills on a consistent basis.